The News Value and the Sources of Information in the Selection and Construction of the Events Between Office Press and Journalism

Claudiane Carvalho, Giovandro Ferreira


In this article, we seek to understand, through newsmaking perspective, the configuration process of the event in the relationship between Press Office and Journalism.  For this, we aim to indicate how news-values legitimates the informational practices in the two production instances. We also contemplate the articulation between notabilityaspects of the social-historical fact and the game of representations and the social roles of the information source. In this route, the configurative process showed itselfinseparable from the schedule. This text is part of a work that introduce a methodological contribution, which facilitates the analysis of informative discourse, built on the relationship between the press office and journalistic writing. From the field of Discourse Analysis, this study fits into questioning about the construction of meaning and it refers to the Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics to go beyond the immanent approaches, considering therefore the intralinguistic and extralinguistic elements, based on production and recognition conditions. Considering that the production of meaning occurs in the interaction between transformation and transaction processes, a research focuses on the area of intersection between the production cycles of the event in press relations and journalism. This common area of interests, criteria, practices and routines is designed from the investigation of the zones of intersection postulated in the relationship between: a) the strategic informative discourse and the informative journalistic discourse and b) the contract of communication between the press office and the journalistic writing, on a side, and the contract between the journalistic reader and vehicle, in another. The news is the result of mimetic routes because it has a space and time relationship, in order words, it means that the news builds the narrative of events in a specific time. This is the concept that gives theoretical support to this research about selection, construction and booking, whose elements are inherent in the evenemential process, when it concerns the contact between the organizational communication advice and journalism. This work articulates the notions of informative discourse, event configuration, Discourse Analysis theories, Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics view and theories of journalism in order to establish methodological notes for the discourse analysis which is constructed from contractual relationships and areas of intersection. For this article, we select elements and features of zone of intersection between the strategic informative discourse and the informative journalistic discourse. This zone of intersection is made in their own bargaining processes for news configuration, ie it must be accessed from the newsworthiness criteria triggered. In this transaction, the institutional source values become news-values and govern the construction of the strategic discourse. If, for journalism, the source of information is a sine qua non condition for the selection and construction of news discourse, different situation does not occur to the press office. However, AI and journalism adopt different reference points in relation to the sources and hence with respect to news values. The reflection, still in progress, on news values and sources of information on the selection and construction of the event between media relations (press office) and journalism puts us on the schedule. To signal the strategic character of the informative discourse produced by press office, since this part of the set of actions to manage the image and reputation of the organization source, is underlying the observation the prospect of schedule. With regard to the information of journalism discourse, Alsina (2009) points out that one of its features is the construction of the agenda and involvement of the reader. This text aims to stimulate reflection on the newsmaking process and schedule the production of the news process involving negotiations between press offices and newsrooms.

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